Need something to read? I have you covered!

Posted August 4, 2015 by Kelly Apple in Anderson High Wolves, Demonkind Chronicles, Grimwood, Monstrous Matchmaker, Stronghold / 0 Comments

Since I’m far enough ahead with my writing that I can map out a fairly solid release schedule for the next few months, I’m going to put it out here so I have a reason to stick to it. Because, honestly, sometimes shiny new ideas sneak in and I end up writing an entire series when I really should be writing book 2 in a different series.

So. I’m not going to go so far as to put hard dates, but I can tell you that Cursed Wolves (Grimwood #2) will be coming out in August. (which means I need to get on the ball and finalize the cover!)

[show-book title=”Cursed Wolves”]


The Girl Most Likely (Anderson High Wolves #2) will be the release after that (more than likely in September).

[show-book title=”The Girl Most Likely”]


October is my tricky month. Since my birthday’s in October, I want to celebrate in some way, shape, or form. Which probably means I’ll slide two releases in that month. Operation Merman (Monstrous Matchmaker #3) and All the Reasons Why (Anderson High Wolves #3). Probably in that order. I think.

[show-book title=”All the Reasons Why”]

[show-book title=”Operation Merman”]


I’m currently working on the final Stronghold book (called “Stronghold” just to be confusing) and I have Demon Unleashed (The Demonkind Chronicles #3) to finish polishing.

There you have it. The (kinda) concrete release schedule for a good chunk of the remainder of the year.

Happy reading!

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