Looking back on November…

Posted November 30, 2016 by Kelly Apple in Grimwood, Writing / 0 Comments

lookingbacknovemberNovember, man. November. I’m a little confused as to how we’ve reached the end of it already. I mean, wasn’t it just June or something?

WHAT DID I DO IN NOVEMBER? you ask. Good question. I wrote. A lot. A lot lot. No releases this month, but I finished a series that will be coming out in early 2017 (Forgotten Monsters! WHEEEEE!) and wrote a bunch of Day in the Life stories. OH! And I might have written a completely unplanned story about a possessed house and the woman who loves it. Or at least likes spending PLENTY of quality alone time with it. Heeee! Plus, I’m currently working on a spiffy little story that’s a bit of a departure from what I normally write. Maybe. It feels more sword and sorcery-esque, but it’s still in early stages.

Things to look forward to: I’m hoping to have the 4th Grimwood book come out in December. It kinda depends on how much work it needs, though. *crosses fingers and toes that everything goes smoothly on that end* By the by, I have a rough idea of what my 2017 schedule will look like. Well, the first half of it. The Forgotten Monsters quadrilogy is most certainly on the table in the first few months of the year.

I’m writing this late on the 29th and I’m still determined to hit 70K words for the month. That’s about double what I normally write, so this feels big and exciting. To me, at least.

Here’s to fantastically productive months. May we all have a few of those in our futures.

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