GOODBYE, JULY! I’ll miss how productive I was with you!
How productive was I? you wonder. DON’T WORRY! I’LL TOTALLY TELL YOU!
July being a Camp NaNo month, I committed to writing 30K words. Which is…pretty much what I write normally in a month. So I wasn’t really stretching myself or anything with that goal. Buuuuut…I ended up doubling that and hitting 60K. The 60K was divided between 3 books (Monstrous Revelations #1, a new adult paranormal romance, and an adult paranormal romance) and I’m *not* quite done with one of them. Still, 2 books completed and a big chunk of another one make me a very happy lady.
On the publishing front, White Collared hit shelves on the 26th. This is the 3rd book in the Wicked Pride series with the 4th and final book scheduled to come out at the end of August.
It’s been STUPID hot recently and I have to say I’m desperately looking forward to Fall already. Because the heat is gross and I’m totally over it. Totally. That said, the heat forces me to stay inside and staying inside keeps me writing. Still…Blech, heat.
Until next month!
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