First Line Friday – Cursed Bones

Posted July 15, 2016 by Kelly Apple in First Line Friday, Grimwood / 0 Comments

FLF-BlackLadies and Gentlemen… May I present Isobel Grimm…

Even on the best of days, the old house was chilly.

It hadn’t always been like that. Once upon a time, fires had burned in the great hearths and the sounds of servants had filled the halls.

Once upon a time there had been others here to keep Isobel company.

They’d fled or died, one by one, until it was only her.

Isobel didn’t blame them for their abandonment. When the dark lines had first appeared on her skin, she’d been horrified. As they spread, she’d seen the looks the servants gave her. She’d noticed how they went out of their way to keep from touching her.

She’d done nothing as they slipped away one after another in the dark of the night. The old housekeeper had suggested going to the closest village and finding some to fill the empty spots, but the thought of the pitying looks she’d have to endure with a new batch of servants had struck Isobel like a knife through the heart and she’d gruffly told the old woman they’d make do with who was left.

[show-book title=”Cursed Bones”]

Until next week!

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