Monstrous Rogues

Posted April 7, 2024 by Kelly Apple in / 0 Comments

Ari Colton isn’t sure about this adulting thing.

Sure, she has the mating part down and she runs her own successful business, but there’s more to being adult than just boning and numbers. Sometimes you have to do the thing you feel in your heart even when others are dismissive of it.

Tracking down rogue shifters might seem like a fool’s errand to others, but Ari knows allies come in all shapes and sizes. She’s going to do her best to start with one dirty, hungry group living wild on the outskirts of town.

Supernaturals are stronger together and that includes the outcasts and rogues.

Now Ari just has to convince them to listen to what she has to say.

Warning: This book contains a cranky nymph and the friends who support her. There might also be new friends on the horizon if Ari can sweet talk them fast enough. As we all know, Ari knows how to turn on the charm when she needs to.
