What I’m Reading – The WOW, I read a lot of Sci-Fi Romance Edition

Posted April 10, 2019 by Kelly Apple in Reading / 0 Comments

What I'm Reading

Oh, heyyyyy. It’s been a couple months since I did one of these and I’ve been reading A LOT of really really REALLY good books lately. So here we are. Rummaging through the cluttered drawers of my brain.

GUYS. I’ve been reading SO MUCH sci-fi romance. I ADORE this particular genre, so I’m not even going to pretend this is a hardship. Yep. It doesn’t matter if it’s deep space shenanigans, sexy times between an alien and a human on earth, or an alien giving a human THE LOOK on a distant planet…I LOVE THEM.

I love them hard. So hard.

Alien love!

First up, Amanda Milo’s Stolen by an Alien series. That’s the cover for book 2 because I think it’s purty, but this entire series has blown me away. The characters are saddled with MASSIVE communication issues because none of the aliens speak human and I just looooove watching them muddle through trying to connect with one another.

PLUS, there’s a whole bonding thing. Which, obviously, isn’t normal for the women. Having a massive, terrifying alien following them around, willing to do ANYTHING to keep them safe could be off-putting, but, MAN, it works.

I’m up to book 4 and I’m a little sad that I’m almost to the end of the published books. I WANT MOAR!

Big, blue, and smitten!

I highly recommend pretty much anything by Ruby Dixon. Her Ice Planet Barbarians series is an auto-buy for me. It’s just ridiculously good and fun and OMG sexy. Icehome is the spinoff series to IPB, but I’m pretty sure a newbie could step into these books and totally understand what’s going on.

Aliens, guys. SO MANY WONDERFUL ALIENS. Throw in a group of human women stranded on a planet stuck in perpetual winter and you get the drift. There’s a lot of fretting about their new circumstances. Pretty much all of them have to come to terms with this new reality they’ve been dumped in.

Plus, there’s a mating thing. SO MUCH MATING. It’s great.

Action! Adventure! Sexy times!

Anna Hackett’s Hell Squad series is a teeny bit different from the other books I mentioned. Mostly because the romance isn’t between an alien and a human, but between humans battling to save Earth from an alien horde. 

There’s action. There’s intrigue. There’s high-tech weaponry and technology. There’s romance blossoming as the world teeters on the brink of being destroyed by aliens who look a lot of dinosaurs.

Did I mention the romance part? Because it’s good. So good.

So there you have it. Romance centered sci-fi with a WHOLE LOT OF ALIEN GOODNESS. Except the ones invading Earth. They’re not good.

Until next time!

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