It’s that time again! Time for freebies freebies freebies!
BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! The freebie even is starting ONE DAY EARLY. In other words, TODAY! That means you have TWO FULL DAYS to grab all the freebie romance books your heart desires!
So. You might know the drill, but if not…
Hop on over to the Romance Book Worms website, pick your platform, download books. Easy, peasy, RIGHT? You’ll find me in the Paranormal Romance category, in case you’re wondering.
This time around, I’m offering the first installment in the Monstrous saga: Monstrous Tales: The Complete Series. That’s right! You can see how it all began with Ari for ZERO PENNIES!
Anywho! There are A LOT of books available in this freebie blast with NO STRINGS attached, so have at ’em!
the stuff your ereader freebie event
Happy reading!

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