Psst. I have news.

Posted June 25, 2019 by Kelly Apple in Monstrous World / 0 Comments

I’m far enough into writing Vane and Cin’s spinoff to feel comfortable sharing some details. No lie, though, there’s going to be a lot of vague and probably some innuendo. Because I just can’t help myself.

PLEASE NOTE: While this is my plan now, things are subject to change if the story takes a turn. My muse is finicky sometimes and likes to send my trains of thought onto entirely different rail systems. I’ve learned to go with it.

After some brainstorming, Vane and Cin’s story is going to be book 1 in the new (so new I haven’t even created a page for it) series Monstrous World. Their book is currently titled Heart of Stone (and it will probably stay that, but then again…!) and has the couple (along with a few others) going on a road trip.

Because road trips are fun.

On the downside, road trips with others do make it difficult for our oversexed monsters to find alone time so they can get their sexy on. I never knew cockblocking could be so much fun to write!

As of right now, book 2 is setting up to be Lon’s book. Because sasquatch’s need love too! HA. Actually, it’s because he and Ivy are currently on the hunt for something and I’d like to explore their journey.

HOWEVER…book 2 is a long way off and, again, sometimes the muse demands something I don’t see coming. So consider the book 2 thing to be VERY tentative. VERY.

Still, that’s a little of what’s in store for the monsters I’ve come to know and love. Road tripping, cockblocking, and adventure.

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